Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Third Annual Book-A-Day Challenge

Donalyn Miller, aka, The Book Whisperer is hosting her third annual Book-A-Day challenge. (Thanks to Jen Robinson for tweeting about it and raising my awareness of the challenge.) You can read all about here, but the idea is pretty simple. Read one book every day during the summer. You pick the start and end date, and all books and genres count - picture books, nonfiction books, etc.

My kids aren't in school yet, but I have definitely noticed that during the summer, reading with my kids every day gets more challenging since we are busier with more outdoor activities. So my goal is to read at least one book a day with my kids, and if we read more, that's great!

Tonight was our first night, and we immersed ourselves in Rob Scotton's Splish, Splash, Splat! . We've been Splat the Cat fans for quite a while, and in this book, Splat comes face to face with his fear of the water as well as the dreadful Spike who steals all of his toys.

The illustrations are amazing as always, and the storytelling is engaging and charming. Highly recommended.


  1. Thanks for letting us know about it, I'll defenetly be participating in this challenge since we do this anyways, thanks so much

  2. Glad to hear you've joined the book-a-day challenge. I love the new look!

  3. Thanks Clemencia! I hope you have fun with the challenge.

    Thanks, Vasilly! I hope you're doing well!

    1. Please explain me how to join the contest! it would be so nice!
